Hello I am looking for the relatives of this person and I and the longlost,GGGGGrandniece and I am doing the family tree of the McCra'ys,my grandfather name is Horace McCray and he married AddieEvans,May 29,1925,in Detroit,Michigan,and his family is from "Huntsville, Ala,this is where my roots are,and he had some relatives' that lived in "New York and I am trying to find themnow to let them no that,and his father name is Blount McCray and his wife name is Mary McCray and they both are buried at "Glennwood Cemetery,in "Huntsville,Ala.William Wright-Christopher McCray, is our relatives .If any cousin,niece,great grand newphew,or in-law no any thing about these people.please email at Woodbine@peoplepc.com,this would help out a lot.