Mark Tucker


Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Tucker, Norton, Riley, Bunce
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • DearMYRTLE

    Can you figure out how to add more than opne RSS feed to your personal page? I have three blogs, and wish all to cross post here.
  • Janet Hovorka

    Your citation posts lately have been so great. So helpful in evaluating the softare. I've got to figure out how you did the twitter tracker. I may be back to ask questions. I'd be so honored if you'd join the Generation Maps fan group. Thanks.
  • Janet Hovorka

    Mark, I can't get my twitter tracker to track more than one term. How'd you do that? Is there a trick that I don't see? Thanks. It appears DearMyrtle and I have crowned you the genealogywise tech guru.
  • DearMYRTLE

    YEs, THANKS to Russ Worthington.
  • Janet Hovorka

    Thanks Mark. That's not working for me. Let me try again.
  • Janet Hovorka

    I tried putting two terms in with a space but then it says that there are no items found. I'm finding alot of bugs already. Are you? Besides this one, I'm seeing people who I've added as friends and even talked to through comments and it will let me request them as a friend again. You having any issues?
  • DearMYRTLE

    YES, I got the idea of MyApps multiple RSS feeds from Russ Worthington. The app wasn't immediately obvious on the list of apps.
  • DearMYRTLE

    I see a general lag between when I have added someone on the list of my friends and when they actually appear as a friend. Several have attempted to find a way to become a friend, when we were already friends.