Randi Rountree Mathieu


Port Huron, MI

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Rountree, Lee, Gomillion, Mathieu, Marco, King
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, Quebec, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Russia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Andrzej Olejarz

    Hi Randy !
    You interesed to Galicia ? - Exactly, I'm polish genealogist, member of Silesian Genealogical Association in Wroclaw, Poland. My ancestry tree of Olejarz's kin are very Galician - from 1477-1478 year (XV century), from Pruchnik village, near city Jaroslaw in "Podkarpacie" (Lower Carpathia), in southwest Poland. Also in Michigan lived my Olejarz's relatives. I research to contakt with their families. I'm genealogist of my Olejarz's kin in whole World.
    Sorry my "english". Best regards from Poland !. I helped to You.