Yolanda Campbell Lifter


Malabar, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Alexander, Allen, Ayres, Bemis, Bly, Bowen, Box, Campbell, Clark, Cole, Daft, Dick, Dickson, Dixon, Dunham, Edmunds, Fay, Fisk, Fitzrandolph, Grow, Hafer, Harbison, Harrison, Hartley, Hartwig, Heasley, Hoephner, Johnson, Lifter, Manning, Mathes, McCormick, Meier, Nichols, Nieme, Nostaja, O'Mary, O'Rear, Pettyjohn, Phieffer, Pierce, Pollard, Proctor, Richter, Roberts, Sage, Sampson, Shinkle, Stoops, Thorp, Totman, Williams, Winch, Wisby, Wolf, and more yet to be discovered
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, Finland, Scotland, Ireland, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Betty Lou Malesky, CG


    Who is your Bly connection? We may be related. My great, great grandmother is Sarah Bly. Her line is Asa, Myron, Myron, Sarah, b. 1834 Chautauqua Co., NY.

  • Betty Lou Malesky, CG

    I don't think the VA Blys and New England Blys are connected, but can't be sure since I haven't been able to take mine back to their origins. There is likely more than one Bly line in Mass. and NY as there seems to be no connection between some of them. I'm in Ohio for a family reunion and went to Firelands HS today looking for more info about my Huron County ancestors.
  • frank wendland

    hello my name is frank i have a hartwig from my mother side ny grandmother
    luise frieda hartwig married fritz girndt live in germany searching for their
    parent names