Gena Philibert Ortega


United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
McNeil, Smith, Nikolaus, Hibbert, Philibert, Harsbarger, Montgomery, Randall, Earlywine, Chatham, Lewis, Ortega, Ochoa, Marquez, Aquino
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, Mexico, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
American Records
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Christy Fillerup

    Hi Gena,

    Thank you for asking. The Snowflake, AZ Fillerups are related, although a few generations back. As far as my research has taken me most, if not all, Fillerups trace back to one immigrant. But I admit to working more on other lines.

    It's very nice to meet you, I wish I was in your area so I could attend your upcoming lecture!

    Christy Fillerup
  • Kinfolknews - Regina

    Hi Gena,
    I see you are researching the Montgomery surname. I am also researching that name. My Montgomery's were in Texas, Tennessee & Kentucky. Any possible connection?
  • Kinfolknews - Regina

    Gena, We could still be related but at the moment I don't see a connection. I only have confirmed up to my gg grandfather, Theodore Jonas Montgomery, who was born in Kentucky 1853 & died in Texas during a hurricane/flood in 1919. I know his fathers name, August Montgomery and that he supposedly died in 1865 (location unknown.)

  • Georgie Trammell

    I think the concept is excellent, however, I must have pushed some wrong buttons and cannot stop the e-mails. There are now over 200 and I dont have time to read them all let along respond to even a few. Please send instructions on how to stop getting e-mails. Thank you
    Georgie Trammell
  • Jim Avery

    Hi Gena - just wondering if you received my list of topics for the PA chat coming up beginning Sunday night?
  • Jim Avery

    OK Thanks. Just wondering