Becky Jamison


Canon City, CO

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Margheim, Koleber, Flanders, Becker, Strait, McMillan, Jamison, Haught, Roberts, King, Bell, Dale, Dietz, Jones, Smith, Marker, Hardin
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Germany, United States,
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Janet Hovorka

    Thanks Becky. I did set up a site for Generation Maps. And I'll do one for The Chart later tonight. Let me know what sites I can become a fan of for you too.
  • Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS

    Thank you Becky for the friend request. :)
  • Jeanie DiLeonardo

    Becky, thank you for the friend request - I just learned about GenealogyWise minutes before I signed up, and to already get a friend request makes me feel welcome.
  • Carolyn Dunlap Franklin

    Hi Becky!! This new site looks awsome!! I'm so glad we are friends! :)
  • Sherry Hightower

    Becky..just saved this image to the computer. I'll work on it tomorrow
  • Judith Richards Shubert

    Hi there, Becky. Looks like this will be a pretty active site with a lot of positive results. Thanks for finding me.
  • Kathryn Keller

    Hey Becky. I just read your article in the World Vital Records Newsletter. Nice article.
  • Monica Palmer

    Hi Becky! I was excited to see someone else from Colorado! I've been to the main branch of Denver Public Library and looked at some of their resources... do you have any other suggestions for research in Colorado? Unfortunately, my ancestors are not from here. Mainly Ohio and California.