Cathie Morgan


Winnipeg, Manitoba


Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Morgan, Lindsay, Distin, Matheson, Murray, McArthur
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
England, Scotland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Nadine Ford

    Hi Cathie,  Nice to meet you.  I guess we are very distant cousins.


    It is nice to hear about our grandpa Murray (Ernest).  We didn't get to see him very much but he always wrote us letters. 

    Unfortunately we don't communicate with Kathleen, the last time we spoke is when we phoned to tell her & Francis that our mom had passed away.  That was in 1998. 

    I do remember when she did the book but never got to see a copy.

    As mom was an only child, I guess she considered her cousins as her closest family. She corresponded with Alberta, Francis & Margaret regularly and in 1976 we visited Alberta & Henry in Wisconsin where they had a cabin.  I also got to meet Margaret & Mary at that time.  It is so long ago it is all starting to fade.

    Do you still live in the Winnipeg area?




  • Nadine Ford

    Hi Cathie,

    I sent you a couple of pictures and a family tree on your personal email. Please let me know if you received them.





  • Edith Matheson


    I have to study all these names and get them implanted in my mind, in the right places. I was able to find out a lot about Albert Murray's family in the U.S., but not much about the people who stayed in Manitoba. But I did that research a few weeks ago and had to go back and find it and remind myself of the names.

  • Edith Matheson

    Do you have any info on their brother George? I was not able to find out anything about him.