Good Morning, No, I am not a Worden. Not sure who you are thinking of. My GGGrandmother was Mary Ann Southard WIlcox. I am trying to find who her father was and have chased a possiblility across the state of NY and into MI. Just havent't found proof. I will fill out my profile today....I hope.
I just checked the DNA project as you suggested. Nothing that leads up; to my known family. Mary Ann had three brothers John, Thomas and Peter. All of whom ended up in MIchigan. Thomas mentioned he was born in Orleans co, NY so going by that information and his date of birth and some notes an ancestor copied from old family Bible I reached my "possible". The earliest I have a record for him was in Schenectady co, NY in 1800.
Colleen Benedickt
May 11, 2010
Colleen Benedickt
May 11, 2010
Colleen Benedickt
May 11, 2010