I never heard or found out who our Grandfather Antonio's parents were but I do know theres several of us looking we all descend from his children. My grandmother Pronounced his last name like the portuguese do...(there are other ways to pronounce it from other countries)So I assume he is maybe portuguese and ourense, spain is only north near portugaul if this in fact is where they are from.
Hey Cousin your Phineas is descended from my ancestors William Cox and Elizabeth Hutchins who settled in Va. Heres the link for it http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=romye... My Uncle John is the ancestor for a mjority of the Virginia Cox's
Jul 5, 2012
Brendy Martinez
I never heard or found out who our Grandfather Antonio's parents were but I do know theres several of us looking we all descend from his children. My grandmother Pronounced his last name like the portuguese do...(there are other ways to pronounce it from other countries)So I assume he is maybe portuguese and ourense, spain is only north near portugaul if this in fact is where they are from.
Oct 5, 2012
Brendy Martinez
who are the photos of the two at top?
nice couple!
What do you know about our Antonio?
Oct 5, 2012