Eugene Ralph Kipp


Kingsland, GA

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Kip, Kipp, DeKype, Carver, Coker, Hatcher, Bridges, McCoy, Paulick
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Scotland, England, Wales, France, Holland,Italy, Germany,
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Debbie Kennedy Kipp

    But of course, Ireland AND Scotland!
  • Edward Kipp

    Eugene the problem with having an online file that can be added too by any family member is consistency of data. In my career as a librarian and scientist and a volunteer to the Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society I learned about creating databases and having consistent rules of data entry. So from my point of view, the best way to deal with this would be to have family members of Kip/Kipp lines send data to one central source to be added to the database. I must admit I have not provided an update to the file for about a year. I have not had the time to add data from the sources I have found in the last year. However, I do plan to release a new version of the file within the next month.