John Hamelin


Utica, NY

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Hamelin, Hamlin, Deyette,Simard, Rivard, Boucher, Gadrick,Goulet, Tremblay, Saucier, Bernard, Gervais, Patry, Patrie, Lavoie
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, Canada, France and if Possible, France
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Jim Avery

    Hi John - was good seeing you in chat this afternoon. I hope Kate and I didn't scare you away  talking about paranormal stuff.  I have a part time job at a Bed and Breakfast in Gettysburg. I am a tour guide and do strictly history tours in the afternoon and ghost hunts at night. I also believe that sometimes under the right conditions people who are deceased can "talk" to us. See my Forum Post about Paragenealogy    Hope you will be back

  • Michelle Saucier Ladner

    Hello John, Yes I do remember you from the chat. I would love to exchange Saucier information with you. Was your Boucher/Saucier line Magdeline Boucher who married Charles Saucier by chance?