Hi Nancy - I saw your note in the Forum about a paranormal night. We have a chat here hosted by Carol Leve on Wednesday nights at 10 pm eastern time, 9 pm central time in the chatroom. Please drop in sometime. Paranormal takes more forms that just ghosts as in your case dreams. A lot of people don't understand that. I probably won't make it next Wednesday as I have some bowling matches to make up, but I know Carol would love to have you come by. I am also trying to get a job as a ghost hunt guide at Gettysburg. Carol recently went ghost hunting in Florida and had an experience. Checkout my Paragenealogy posts in the Forum.
Lurking is no fun. Jump right in there. To get to the chat just click on "Chat" from the main menu and then "Join Chat" from that menu and you are there. Type in the box at the bottom of the chat page. You may have to click on the box to get a blue outline for the box. There are people in the chat all the time.
Jim Avery
Sep 16, 2010
Jim Avery
Sep 17, 2010