Heather Valdez Chambers


Bedias, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Chambers, Valdez, Guillen, Escamilla, Gonzales, Tucker, Pabst, Gilley, Whisenant, Whisnant, Whisonant, Trapp, Butler, Tow, Thomas, George, Wicks, Shedd, Jennings, Burns, Dement, Holliman, Powers, Ferguson, Camp, Carter, Carver, Reppond, Fox, Cauthen, Cothran, Cothern, Cawthon, Cawthron, Cawthern, Cauthern, Cotharn, Bay, Sledge, Halton, Haltom, Holtam, Holton, Reed, McCain, Baker, Fox, Huggins, Higgins, Odis, Russell, Taylor, Tate, Bird,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
U.S.A. and Germany, Mexico
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • United

    Surely you're expecting something important happens,
    What can change for the better your story,
    This will be a milestone in his life, Jesus says that great and his blessing.
    Do not be anxious your heart, rest in God
    has a lot of patience and I promise, do not worry
    Do not be fooled by adverse circumstances.
    when we think that it is difficult to the Lord Jesus comes
    To put your hand.
    He specializes in doing great things
    In favor of whom put his trust.
    Do not give up says: I am winner.
    have a nice day.

  • L R Tawney

    I don't have a lot of information yet but here is what I have. My grandfather was Clarence John Russell. He was born about 1908 in Indiana. His father was Charles Russell who was married to Effie Newton. I believe Charles was born in Indiana but moved to Texas - somewhere in the neighborhood of College Station probably around 1915 or a little later. Their children were Charles (who died at a young age by drowning), Clarence, Ruth, Flossie and Dorothy.
    What are the names of your great great grandparents? I'm trying to find my great grandfather's parents and siblings. Thanks for the comment!
  • Louise Norgaar

    Heather, it's best to look in the county that the couple was married, if you know it. I hve BAILEYs in Itawamba County, MS and found their marriage annoted in records from Itawamba. Also, Ancestry.com has marriages and such -- and you can look by state. Hope this helps.