Kathleen Bartels


Fort Wayne, IN

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Hagan, Rapp, McCormick, Harber, Hambrock, Leffers, Bartels, Langhoff
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, England, Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

Comment Wall:

  • Jim Avery

    Hi Kathleen - Any of your Bartels from Central PA or Bruinswick Germany? My mom's maiden name was Bartels. Her grand father was Charles Calvin and he and 2 brothers and a sister came to PA from Germany about the time of the Civil War. The brothers were Henry and Frederick and the sister Augusta. Any names ring a bell?
  • Jim Avery

    Hi Kathleen - I don't know of any Bartels family members outside of Central Pennsylvania. They seemed to stay put. My grgrandfather, Charles b. 1851 in Brunswick Germany (Braunschweig) moved a lot in his occupation as a Church of God minister but never left the area. He married Sophia Jane Wohlford. She may have some distant relatives in Iowa. I know she did in Stephenson Co IL. Charles' sister Augusta married a Henry Kleffman and lived in York PA. This was an arranged marriage and he was a bit older than her. I don't know who their brothers married. Thanks for writing back and good luck with your research!!