Andrew Kolstee


Jamestown, NY

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Kolstee/te Kolstee - Winterswijk, Netherlands and Clymer, New York
Widegren - Vastmanland, Sweden and Chautauqua County, NY
Harrington - Chautauqua County, NY
Johnson - Sweden > Chautauqua County, NY
Trump - Wurttemburg and Westfield, NY
Washburg - Sweden and Chautauqua County, NY
Harrison - Durham, England and Elk and Clearfield Counties, PA
Conte/Conti - Sicily, Italy and Jamestown, NY
Hesselink/Heslink - Winterswijk, Netherlands and Clymer, NY
Pfeifer - Hesse and Bucyrus, OH
Wheeler - Oneida and Chautauqua Counties, NY
Anderson/Andersdotter - Hallands, Sweden
Lundgren - Vastmanland, Sweden
Van Buskirk/Buskirk - Northampton, Luzerne, Clearfield, Elk Counties, PA
LaBarbera - Sicily, Italy and Jamestown, NY
Nijenhuis - Winterswijk, Netherlands
Klomps/Klomp/Klompes - Winterswijk, Netherlands
Bach - Wurttemburg and Westfield, NY
Blumenschien - Hesse
Waite - Washington and Chautauqua Counties, NY
Stom - Mohawk Valley, NY and Chautauqua County, NY
Jones - Sweden
Thunberg - Sodermanland, Sweden
Raisbeck - Cumberland, England and Elk and Clearfield Counties, PA
Brown - Centre, Clearfield, and Elk Counties, PA
Accurso - Sicily
LaPorto - Sicily
Veerink - Winterswijk, Netherlands
Rotmans - Winterswijk, Netherlands
ter Haar - Winterswijk, Netherlands
Meijerink - Winterswijk, Netherlands
Fetzer - Wurttemburg
Schmidt - Wurttemburg
Brown - Rhode Island > Chautauqua Co., NY
Putnam - England > Salem, Mass > Sutton, Mass > E. NY > Chautauqua Co., NY
Love - Scotland > Ireland > Connecticut > Chautauqua Co., NY
Pickard - England > Mohawk Valley, NY > Chautauqua Co., NY
Aberg - Sweden
Lundahl - Gotlands, Sweden
Smurthwaite - Cumberland, England
Bell - Cumberland, England
Evans - Luzerne, Centre, Clearfield, Elk, Blair, and Warren Counties, PA
Eschenbach, Balbach - Wurttemburg
Wilmarth - Kings and Chautauqua Counties, NY
England - Centre, Clearfield, and Elk Counties, PA

Beyond 4th Great Grandparents:
Moore, Starr, Jackson, Halliday, Gregg, Harlan - Quaker families of Chester County, PA
Edson, Cary, Whipple, Scott, Brett, Ford - MA, especially Bridgewater
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA (NY, PA, NJ, DE, MA, CT, RI), Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Italy
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Census, Newspapers, City Directories, Cousinship

Comment Wall:

  • Craig Harlan Hullinger

    Yes. I have quite a lot of info about our Harlan heritage, and have been to England and Ireland back to our Harln roots.

    My info at:
  • Craig Harlan Hullinger

    Our Harlan line

    George Harlan #3;
    Aaron Harlan #8;
    George Harlan # 37;
    George Harlan #180
    Moses Harlan #676;

    Lewis Harlan #2291
    Marion Harlan #2291-4
    Pearl J. Harlan Hullinger #2291-43
    Clifford Harlan Hullinger #2291-431
    Craig Harlan Hullinger #2291-4311
    Bret Schaller Hullinger #2291-43112
  • Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal

    Andrew, I wrote you in chat but seems you'd left already. What Harrison(s) are you looking for in the 1841 &1851 censuses in ENG? maybe I can help, lord knows I've researched in them enough....