Gloria Weber Baikauskas


Venus, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Baikauskas, Weber, Tverkus, Thalhofer, Geismeier, Gohringer, Foster, McDowell, McKaughan, Briggs, Brown, Frederiksen
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Scotland, Ireland, England,Austria
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • Kate Steere

    Hi Gloria-
    Just doing preliminary search for Johann Gohringer, I see him in 1900 in Pittsburg, wife is Wilhemina(sp?), children are Cortland, John and Marie? It appears he arrived in the US as an adult, according to the census he was born in 1862, and immigrated in 1885, so he would have been 23? He and Wilhemina married about 1896, so could this be his second wife, as Cortland was 8 years old in 1900, born 1892.
  • stephanie f.


    I saw many posts on google that are researching the name Bajkowksi and
    its variations. I just wanted to know if you have the history of the
    origin of the surname in Poland and also the information you have on
    the noble heritage of the family.

    My husband is a Bajkowksi and we are
    going to Poland to search for some records. His family emgirated to
    American in 1904 from Grajewa, Russia/Poland.

    Any general infromation about the surname would be helpful and we
    would be happy to to some research in Poland for you if you need it.

  • stephanie f.

    Hello Gloria, Re-Bajkowski family and nobility

    I just saw your answers  :) Thank you for your assistance. I went to visit my family in Poland and they showed me a Polish nobility book with the name in it so your professor friend is not alone :) The origins of the family are noble. I will ask them for the name of the book so you can add it to your records. 

    We are looking for Bykovksy/Bajkowski in 1800's Grajewa, Poland. We are seeking information on :

    ( hr.Sam Bajkowski/Bykovsky born  in Grajewa, Sept. 1884, married to Lena Hersch. The family left Poland in the eary 1900's to set up a business in New York. Any help would be appreciated. And let me know if I can assit you with anything :)
