Dee Shelton


Madison, NC

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Holland
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • Eric Michael Roberts

    Hi Dee, thank you for the first comment I've received here that doesn't appear to generated by a bot.

    I know precious little about my ancestry beyond 3 generations ago. Almost all of the relatives known to me in my particular "branch" of the Roberts clan are based/settled in Delaware and Maryland.

    My great-grandfather's name was Delbert Graves Roberts, and I was fortunate enough to know him until he passed away in the early 1990s when I was a teenager. While digging through his attic some time after his death, my father uncovered an old dust-covered tome - an attorney's "Delaware Legal Code" from the early 20th century. Scribed on the inside cover was something along the lines of "Presented to Lemuel Roberts." We'd never heard of him, have no idea who his parents or children were, or where he had come from.

    Let me just add that I have no experience with genealogical research, except that a few weeks ago I joined this forum...and kind of on a whim too. But it's becoming more interesting the more I think about it.

    Eric M. Roberts
    (son of Donald R. Roberts [son of Carl Roberts {son of Delbert (son of ?)}])
  • Patricia Quinn

    Just to let everyone know - Dee passed away on November 1, 2011.  Dee and I had been very close friends for almost 10 years, having met online in a chat room.  The friendship grew to weekly phone calls back and forth and almost daily emails (and sometimes more often, especially when we were trading data.)

    Dee and I discovered we shared several family lines, and the hunt became a real adventure for both of us.

    I will miss her emails, her phone calls, and most of all, her friendship.  May she rest in peace.

    Patricia Quinn Meigs

  • Rosemary Taylor

    Thank you Pat for posting that Dee passed away.  I am missing Dee as well.