Randi Rountree Mathieu


Port Huron, MI

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Rountree, Lee, Gomillion, Mathieu, Marco, King
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
USA, Quebec, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Russia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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  • Andrzej Olejarz

    Hello Randi !
    Surname Washenko, in polish transcription: Waszenko (read: "Vah-shen-ko"), is typical Bielarussian surname. Andrew spoke only Russian. It's normal in Bielarussian country. -- Polish formerly eastern-country "Kresy" ?. Andrzej and Anna it's are very polish names. Do You can ?. Hm... Interesed !. I aid to You with Your tracing of Your family tree in Poland and in Bielarus. I have in my Silesian Genealogical Association in Wroclaw (and in whole Poland) many friends-genealogist's specialized in Bielarussian researching of persons and surnames from formerly Polish "Kresy's". Best regards from Poland !
  • Jenn Layne

    Hi there, my name is Jenn and I’m from a group called the Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society. We’re wondering if we might have a link in trees, I saw your name come up on the Canadian group and I couldn’t help but ask. We have a Bentley Rountree Tillery, born about 1876 in Hickory County, Missouri to parents Mary Ann Lenox and Andrew Jackson Tillery. We’re assuming both Bentley and Rountree are family names but so far we’re lacking any further connection. If any of this sound familiar we’d love to hear back from you!
  • Andrzej Olejarz

    Red Ribbon