Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

A forum to discuss the nuances specific to researching Slave Ancestry in the Americas. Share experiences, questions, tips and resource information as it relates to making our efforts researching African Ancestry more successful.

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I'm with Michael -- you probably have identified the right family and agree that using the cluster approach could help to validate your connection.

One of the terms in genealogy I hate the most, but find to be VERY effective is the "reasonably, exhaustive search" (Michael, I can feel you smiling!) -- you have to approach your core information (what you know) from EVERY possible angle. That means census, death, tax, deeds, schedules, Freedman records, EVERYTHING. Then the slave owners records -- estate, inventory, bills of sale, bible, church, journal, letters... again EVERYTHING.

You are correct, this work is hard, but so very worth it to you and your Ancestors.

Hang in there, connect with the Genea-community (they are a strong and stubborn bunch!:-) and roll up your sleeves!:-)




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