Hello everyone. Hope this isn't a repeat since this is my second time replying.
My name is Jeanne Stanners Petersen and I'm one of Joseph Braid Stanners and Edith Pearl Hart's 6 Granddaughter's.
Our Grandparents came to California from Toronto in 1928 just before my Father was born. My cousin's can say they are half Canadian while my siblings and I cannot.
Like most people I'd love to find out more on the Hart side of the family. We do know some of the Stanners came from Bo'ness Scotland and settled in Ontario.
We also know this- Richard HART, 24, farmer, Nissouri, same, s/o James HART & Jane LOGAN, married Lucinda Cassidy 21, McGillivray on Oct 31, 1872. It would be great to know more about James Hart and the Cassidy family who were Irish. There is more information on the Logan family that we did see. Also interested in the Jones and Cochranes families as well since that was my Great Great Grandmother's maiden names.
Anyway I'm happy to be here and hope we all find what we are looking for!
Hi there,
My name is Cody Stewart and I'm researching in several provinces. The Stewarts and Vincents are in Alberta, the Brandons are in Alberta and Ontario, the Glowatzkys, Pfeiffers, and Lehrs are in Manitoba, and the Rhymers are in Saskatchwan and Manitoba.
I look forward to making some new genealogy friends :-)
Happy hunting.
Am Ontario and Quebec primarily.
I too have family in the Hamilton - Wentworth County. What name's are you searching?
J. Norris
I just joined this site today and most of my ancestors came over from Alsace and settled in New Germany (now Maryhill), Ontario.
I'm on ancestry.ca & findagrave.com but I thought it was worthwhile to check out other sites as well.
The surnames I am having the biggest issue with are Meyer (also found as Myer, Myers, Mire) and his wife whose actual maiden surname I am still unsure of though I've found it as Jaeg, Jaeq, Yack, Yach, Yacht, Jaeckle, Jaegle and Jary in various places.
And the ancestor I am having the biggest problem finding is John Theobald Wadel. His wife was listed as a widow in the 1861 census. He was naturalized in 1848. Still nothing solid on who his parents were or when he exactly died or where he was buried.
Mr. McGraw-Nicol,
I also have been researching in the Provinces of Ontario along with Quebec. I have a question for you. I''m trying to find records that pertain to Provincial Surveyors in Ontario in the early 1860's. A GG Grandfather of mine, Daniel H. White was listed as a provincial surveyor, but at present have not been able to locate those records. He married a Mary Galbraith from Osgoode and I have had some positive results in those records. Any suggestions you may have on provincial surveyors would be most appreciated.
Kim Callahan
I would like to know how to find (free) birth dates and death dates for my paternal great grandparents (John and Angeline McNeal) and great great grandparents (Robert and Eliza McNeal). I know they are buried in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, but can't seem to find any records of their birth and death dates. I would also like to find birth, marriage and death records. I have been able to locate them on several censuses. On another side, my paternal great grandfather (Peter Johnson) emigrated from Norway and married in Buffalo, NY. I feel there is a possibility that he and his future wife (Ase Andrea Anonsdtr) came through Canada. The McNeals were hotel keepers. When I was a child, we visited Ontario and stayed at a hotel there. It was supposedly run/owned by a "cousin" named Kretchman or Kritchman. I think it was in Hamilton, Ontario. I would be interested in any knowledge of the hotel and it's history. Any help would be appreciated.
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