Is there some way we can EFFECTIVELY get sites to change the errors made by the TRANSCRIBER?
I am not talking about the errors that the marshall or the enumerator made. Nor am I talking about a misreading caused by confusing handwriting. Both footnote and offer ways to add comments which will help others find the correct entries.
But there is a GLARING error on about a page in the 1870 census for Chester Township, Wabash County, Indiana. It does begin with the transcriber misreading "W" for "white" as "M" for mulatto. Every person on this page is marked as being mulatto! I am not being protective of my white status! My problem is that the original enumerator notes in the summary at the bottom of the page that there is only one person of color (male) in all of Chester Township up to that page. Since this statement is part of the historic census, stating that 25 to 30 people (male and female) HAS to be an error. may still respond to my email about this; their response to my other suggestion on the page was not accompanied by any mention of this note. This type of error is a serious problem for people who are doing online research. When the transcription contradicts the census facts, the researcher may be thrown completely off track.
How do we urge correction upon the sites who have this type of error?