Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I was wondering if anyone on Genwise could help with this? I've been doing my family history for a few years now and recently have been assisting friends start their research. I've thoroughly enjoyed sharing my knowledge. I am also at the moment trying to sign up to a first stage City and Guilds award for teaching the 'lifelong learning sector' so I can teach evening classes. Whilst I didn't apply to be able to teach evening classes in genealogy, the fun I've had sharing my experience with my friends makes me wonder if I could think about that too.

I will now get to the point of my question! I was wondering if there was anywhere in the UK (or online) that did genealogy courses. I know I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge and I would like to know what my options are for filling the in the blanks!

Would love to hear from anyone who has been down this route.

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Hello Sarah,

Try Pharos This is a UK site, I have not used it but believe they have a good reputation. There are US based ones too. Check your local public Library, they may run courses or you could offer yourself as a volunteer to help beginners.

Good luck, Liz
Hi Liz,

Those courses look good. I like the fact that you can do most of it in your spare time, a blessing when you work! It would also allow me to start off with topics I feel I need brushing up on most.

Thank you for the tip.
Hi Liz, I wish I had seen this earlier, yesterday I hosted an education chat on GW. But to answer your question quicker, look at the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. They have a wide range of genealogical courses.
Thanks Jennifer, that site looks great. Even courses for Librarians and one for New Zealand but no Australia which is my interest. Have yet to check out the chats on GW!
I've had a look at the chat schedule and converted the times and they really aren't UK friendly! Sadly the education chat would have been at about 11pm our time and the one I fancy on 31st August will be held at 3am on 1st September here! I have to admit as much as I like GenealogyWise it really is made for the American market :(
There are actually lots of courses available and at all levels - Why don't you look at the education section of the Federation of Family History Societies to see what you can see there! See



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