I'm mostly using Roots Essentials 4 right now. But I was wondering anyone who has an online tree such as ancestry, have you found a good way to keep the trees in sync?
I find if I'm doing research on ancestry in my tree there, then I have to copy everything over it takes twice as long.
I was thinking of just updating my Roots tree with a gencom merg, when there is a lot of new data. This way it would copy the source info in for me as well.
My main reason for having a tree on ancestry is to share with a few family members, and meeting new contacts. Its also easier to find people through a hint search.
Sorry for rambling, I'm fighting the flu and half awake right now. LOL
So far this seems to be a plus FTM 2011 has over Roots. In that it looks like they make this easier. But I don't own FTM. :P