Genealogy Wise

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I am a retired (but substituting) teacher and the mom of two adult sons (one recently married and the other in college).
I have been doing genealogy for 13 1/2 years, but suffered a huge setback last fall when I lost all of my research in a wildfire. Fortunately a had shared a lot with others via email and forums, so that was still available. I am doggedly working at replacing the rest, but very frustrated that some search sites are no longer as easy to use as they once were, and many forums are shut down...
As I am constantly jumping around from one line/surname to another, I can't say that I have a current focus; I just pursue the family that I am able to find information about on the website I just found, or the email that I'm re-reading and discovering a detail I missed last time. I know that it's against all the rules and advice, but it works for me. =)
Unfortunately all of my brick walls involve either very early US research, or even earlier Irish, German, or Ulster research, so except for the occasional delight in re-finding information I already had, I am not getting any further against those many brick walls...

My name is Kenneth Atwood and I'm trying to find my ancestors on my mother's side. I have most of the ones on my father's side already. I've gotten back as far as Byron Powers on my mother's side and am at a brick wall

Not sure if this is still an active site?..  

i am researching my family history connecting Polish and Lithuanian immigrants settling in Northeast Pa in the early 1900’s. 

Welcome Aboard, Peter,

I don't find myself over her very often, but I'm of the opinion, it's still active. Nice to have you join us.

I'm not here often, but yes we are ! Welcome ! 

Thank you Belinda and April, Cold NY winters give me plenty of time to work on my Ancestry projects. All the best with your research!!!

And the very same to you! I got really fortunate a year ago at Christmas. You might say I got my Christmas present early inasmuch as the records I needed to prove the relationship between my 3 X great-Grandmother and her father came in the form of a Probate Court record. The second wife chose not to be administrator of the estate after her husband's demise. He died intestate, but owned property, which meant it went into Probate automatically. This was a blessing, as the man who was petitioning the court to be the Administrator listed that the deceased had twelve children, and proceeded to list them by name (married name, in some cases) and where they resided at the time of the petition. :) There she was, my 3X great-Grandmother, proving, ultimately my descendency from my Patriot. I'm newly D.A.R. . :)

I have been searching every genealogical avenue I can find to help break through my brick wall. My main focus is the lineage of my GG Grandfather Benjamin P (BP) Smith. born in Georgia 1818, lived in Clay co. GA. Married to Sarah (Sallie) Green.

I have had my Uncles Ydna tested and he is R-M269 and is grouped as a line of Nicholas Smith (Virginia clan) that migrated to Franklin co. GA. Wondering if there is a skipped line some where and if anyone else may be from this line and experiencing a similar issue.

My G Grandmother was a Shaw and married BP's son, she came from a Smith line as well but from Hans Heinrich Schmidt, so when trying to research my uncles dna it gets confusing sorting them out.

Any help is appreciated.


Welcome Aboard, Charlene,

I'm afraid I come bearing nothing more than a greeting to you. My Smith line is from England and I haven't even begun to tackle that one as of yet! I'm still rather stuck in the mire of the many repeated names of my Sevier branch, let alone seek my 6th great-grandfather's paternal grandmother. Oi!

I do wish you well and much luck on your genealogical journey.

Thank you. Much luck to you as well. Smith is not the easiest surname to sift through.

No, it's not. It's way too common. I have the problem of multiple people by the exact same name on about three of my branches! There were so very many Joseph Hawkins, all born about the same time, all living in or around the Shenandoah County in Virginia, that mine is very hard to pin down. So hard, in fact, that the authors of the History of Shenandoah, including Olde Frederick County, had a single paragraph on the name Hawkins. It was pretty much a disclaimer of what they could only assert. That A Joseph Hawkins was affiliated with (and it lists people, one of whom is my 6th great-grandfather). Face/palm.

I live in the Seattle area but I am originally from New England. Currently I am working on a brick wall regarding John Bow White, born abt. 1804 in Connecticut or New York. I am trying to determine who his parents were.



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