Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Start by telling us about yourself, your family history, your genealogy interests, and the current focus of your genealogy research.

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I live in Dublin, Ireland. I have been researching for near 14 years. I would like to help others and find hidden treasures.

This is my website

Hello everyone,

My name is Jenny and I am happy to join the Genealogy Wise community.  I am a historian specializing in late-Imperial Russia/early Soviet history. Much of my academic writing centers around female terrorism, military service, secret police. I am fascinated by times of transition in history such as going from an absolute monarch in Russia to a communist regime. I have done genealogical research for about 23 years now. I love all history and genealogical research but what I am currently focused on are Germans in Russia (especially during World War I),  southern Appalachian colonial history, and early Canadian history. 

My family on most branches have lived in the United States for almost four hundred years both in the north and in the south. Many of my ancestors fought in the Revolutionary and in the American Civil War. I find it interesting that in all that time spent in the world's modern melting pot, my DNA comes from a very small part of the world. I am from Scandinavia and the isle of Briton. 

Currently, I work on a podcast that combines historical and genealogical research. If you are interested you can check it out at

Welcome, Jenny.  I think Russian history is fascinating, also.

Hi Everyone!  My name is CJ Scott from Ontario, Canada.  I am the family historian that nobody understands and proud of it!  My ancestors are from England, Scotland and Ireland with a larger focus on Ireland.  After 20 years of research I have finally found the opportunity to focus and learn how to ensure that all of my current research is documented and cited correctly. 

No website, blog or page to direct you to right now but I know that will come as I would like to eventually be of service to others that are looking to bring closure to their past once I acquire my Canadian Genealogist certification.  In my spare time I am a member and volunteer with the Ontario Genealogy Society.  Recently we have been cleaning, and transcribing tombstones AND literally digging tombstones up due to past neglect of one of the oldest cemeteries in my area.  With all of the OGS group's hard work it is on its way to recovery.  Very exciting to be apart of this and the people are alot of fun.

I am really looking forward to connecting with like minds.  We have much to learn from each other I am sure.

CJ Scott

Ontario, Canada  

Good luck, CJ!

Assuming you will be do genealogical searches for people in Ontario and other provinces, once you are certified.

Please keep my email on file because my trips to Toronto, for some reason, have come to a halt and I now have Maritime needs as well.   And eventually Irish, if I can get more of a toehold there.

Happy Holidays!

-Al (

Al Dawson, Iowa City, Iowa - MA, Victorian History, UNC-Chapel Hill, 1973
Visit my ancestral website at:

Thank you Al.  Yes the focus would be Ontario but ofcourse I will be excited to look at other provinces as well but currently I have not had an opportunity to focus there  Lots to learn!

Yes will keep your email.  Certainly reach out and I will see what I can support you with absolutely!  We will all be very happy once this Covid situation settles down so we can all start travelling again and physically connecting.  

Have an excellent Christmas and continue to stay safe.


Dear CJ,

I spend part of my mornings in Ontario thanks to Rogers news radio, on the simple Radio app.  I had to have my friend Ian Hadden explain what "collectors" are.  Question:  will your certification come from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies?

Spending most of my day putting finishing touches on a speech (on Gateway Ancestors) I'm giving to my home genie group, via ZOOM, on Saturday.


Yes that is where I am getting my certification :)  Good luck with your presentation.  At some point I will hopefully doing

Welcome CJ! I wish you all the luck with your genealogical puzzle! Also, my ancestors mainly come from the Isle of Briton and Ireland, with a healthy serving of Scandinavian. 


Jenny Findsen

Genealogist Journal

Thank you Jenny!  Interesting connections.  I would love to hear your family story around Ireland.  So much to learn and I have only been focusing on Northern as I understand the family name Breen has larger settlements in the Republic (that would not be a conversation I would want to have with my older family over there

Reach out any time.  You just never know where conversation can lead.

Have a wonderful Holiday!


Hello.. New member here. I am addicted to research and now, researching my family lineage. My family is from Oldtown Dallas County, Alabama. I have been able to trace back to mid 1800’s and (possibly 1812) but stuck. Seems to be no further information. If anyone has any suggestions on how to move forward, I welcome your suggestions. Thank you:)


My name is Joshua Tuck and I am an orthopedic surgeon living with my wife and son in Erie, PA.  I am originally from NH and am a direct descendant of Robert Tuck and the subsequent Tuck line through Hampton, NH.  We have done extensive research on this line and have been approved by many lineal societies, (SAR, SUVCW, Colonial Wars, OFPA, Flagon & Trencher, Colonial Physicians, Presidents and First Ladies, etc.), but have never been able to link up with any Mayflower descendants. 

Does anyone on here happen to have any insight into possible connections to the Mayflower, likely through one of the grandmother's in this line?  These potential women would all be from Hampton, NH or Parsonsfield, ME between 1650 - 1950 and include Huldah Moulton, Abigail Carter, Abigail Huntress, Clara Dale Todd, Mary Philbrick, Bethia Hobbs, and Florence Estelle Griffin.  

Thank you for any advice or direction anyone can provide!

- Josh



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