Genealogy Wise

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My name is Hendrik du Plessis, a widower of 65 and living in Pretoria South Africa.
I started research on my and related families six years ago to keep my mind occupied after the death of my wife.
The families I am researching are: du Plessis and du Plessis de Richelieu and I have been fortunate enough to be able to go back (historically and contestable) to around 89-85 BC.
The recorded family tree starts in the year 961 with the birth Osulf, son of Frame and grandson of Tor in France. He was the father of the first “du Plessis”, so called after the bailey castle of Plessis-Grimoult, which he built in the present area of Calvados in France. Many families of du Plessis are thought to be branched from this one family.
I have started a new genealogical site for du Plessis and du Plessis de Richelieu researchers: and I hope to meet many related families on there.
My name is Heather. I'm the Captain of the New Hampshire Mayflower Society, but when I was growing up we weren't members. We lived in the Beverly/Salem area of Massachusetts, and all our known surnames were Salem names. My mother always said we were "never related to those from the South Shore" of Boston. Little did she know! She had eleven Mayflower ancestors on her side, and my Dad had another four! I started on genealogy when I was in high school, and in those days my Dad couldn't name anyone past his grandparents, and my mom had some idea of her family tree but nothing she could prove.

It's been fun researching the family and then reporting it to people who swore "I could have told you that!" or later they pulled out letters from attics with all the names I had asked them about months before. Suddenly letters, diaries, old family samplers and photographs began to appear. I can't say that after 30 years I've found everyone, but I have over 80,000 names in my Family Tree File, and add more every month.

Now I'm very intested in adding stories instead of more names. This is proving to be much more difficult, but much more rewarding than collecting dates on births, marriages and deaths. I'll be blogging these stories here on this website.

Surnames I'm researching:
Wilkinson, Nason (York County, Maine)
Wilson, Southwick, Flint, (Danvers, Massachusetts)
Munroe, Simonds, (Lexington, Massachusetts)
Bill, Rand, Lyons, Skinner, Bollman, Bremner, Lennox, Halley, Crosby, Weston, Clement, Allen, (Nova Scotia)
Allen, Burnham, Andres, Presson, Mears, Poland, (Essex, Massachusetts)
Batchelder, Locke, Welch, (Rockingham County, NH)
Emerson, Younger, Hitchings, Cloutman, Treadwell, Homan, Cree, Glover, Stone, (Salem, Beverly, Gloucester, Massachusetts)
Well have you figured out who the REAL parents are of Myles Standish yet???!!!! I have Standish ancestors but the mystery of whether Myles is connected cannot be solved. I did just find a connection to Warren (I forgot the first name already) in my tree so that is also on my to do list. I don't have 80,000 in my tree yet but I am working on it!
My name is Bryndis Wynette Roberts. I was born in Sylvania, Screven County, Georgia. I have been avidly interested in genealogy for about ten years. I am working on both my maternal and paternal family trees, and although, as an African American from the South, I have run into the institution of slavery, I have made very good progress.

Currently, I am trying to trace the descendants of my maternal great-great grandfather, Richard Spencer, and my paternal great-great grandfather, Will Roberts. The surnames I am currently researching are Spencer, Roberts, Best, Hunter, Lawton, Hendrix, Ponder, and Walls. The first seven names are primarily in Screven County. The last name is in Meriwether County.
Hi all, my name is Ann McDaniel. I began my "genealogy career" about seven years ago. I had nothing to go on but a letter written by a cousin about our "Meredith ancestors". I made the grievous mistake of "assuming" that his facts were infact true. Most were not but it was interesting! I have since learned to document, document, document. Along the way I met 2nd and 3rd cousins and just plain good friends. My current focus is on my husband's family (McDaniel/Anderson and Drawdy/Rutherford). If anyone would like to trade information, please email me at
My name is Adam Rickle and I'm currently living in Arizona. I'm researching my paternal line and have traced it back 5 generations to Henry Rickle who came to America from Switzerland sometime before 1866 (his D of I). He was born in 1836. My current difficulty is that I'm finding 3 major spelling of my last name, Rickle, Rickly, Rickli. Some of these occur between brothers in the same census! I'm also finding both German and Swiss listed for the same people in 2 different census years. Right now I'm stuck making the jump back to the "old country". My family is all from either Rockland County, NY on my paternal side and Westchester County, NY on my maternal (Delmerico / Delmedico). I seem to be the only one who has left! (sorry if this was too detailed for the intro page)
To Heather Wilkinson Rojo:

That has happened to me plenty of times! When I first started out with my research, I didn't know my great grandparents names on my mother's side. My mom knew their names, but not her grandmothers' maiden names. Then, I would find a death certificate with maiden names or find someone in the census and tell the family about it, and they'd say, "Oh yeah, that sounds right!" Or "Yep, I remember now!" LOL So I've just about given up interviewing people in the family about my ancestors, but II find that eventhough they don't remember the complete name, they do remember them as "Great Aunt Mary" or somesuch as that and there are some pretty wonderful stories. I guess it comes with the territory....we want to find ot so much, so quickly, and they've lived a lot of years since things have happened. LOL I do realize that it makes ME want to write down as much as I can about my own history and about what I've been told about the family so far.

Hello. I was just wondering if there was such a site as this (and there probably are more) when I looked at my Legacy email. Looking forward to sharing and learning much more. I am married with two teen boys. I have been dabbling in this hobby since 1973 (I have a letter from my grandmother who was so happy I was interested at 15/16). Both my mother and my grandmother fed into this hobby and sadly they are both gone now. My current focus is filling in those blanks! I get bored with one dead end and then I go off on another search. Right now it is filling in what info I already have from my grandmother into my program (Bishop and Brantley).
I have done research on the Lee family and found that many famous people are related to the family. You will find that President Taylor, President of the CSA Jefferson Finis Davis, and both President Madisons. There is also a connection to the Mayflower too. One of Lee daughter married Issac Allerton. Which leads not only to the Allerton but to the Brewsters. Issac Allerton Sr. married Fear Brewster. Your can look that up plus famous people of our time period by going on the History of the Mayflower website. I do have West in my family. One of my relations is the 2nd husband to the great grandmother of Martha Dandridge Washington. My wests come from England. They are the Del A Warr's. which eventually leads to the Boelyn's. Mary Boelyn is my 11th great grandmother. Mary Boelyn is the sister-in- law to Henry VIII. She raised Elizabeth I after Anne Boelyn died. My 9th great grandfather came over from England in 1659 to the Jamestown settlement.
I live in Jacksonville Arkansas. My passion is photographing Cemeteries and uploading to We started in 2007 and with the help of our volunteers and friends we now have over 205,700 photos uploaded to date. Total Veterans’ Records as of 8:00 am June 19, 2009 = 30,105. Please visit us at It is free and all are welcome. You to can become a volunteer.

Preserving history one grave at a time.
I live in Victoria, Australia. Have been doing genealogy research of my families for the last 10 years. My website gice you some idea of the names and areas I am researching. I would love any help with my one brick wall.
Kate Pink youngest daughter of Benjamin Pink and Agnes Williams she was born 1867 at 9 King Street, Camden Town, England. Agnes died and Benjamin came to Australia with his two oldest children leaving Kate with her maternal grandparents Thomas and Mary Williams in Herdford. I have traced her to the 1891 census but cannot find her. I have bought 3 marriage certificates but as yet not found the right one. Any suggestions.
I am Doris McClenton Smith i became interested in Geaneology when my cousin told me about it and how interesting it was she s tarted me off, ive been researching now for over a year now., I did make it to Mississippi and found the archives very interesting and received lots of information. My surnames i am researching are Calvins of Virginia, Catherine Calvin born in 1870 in Virginia i am having a time finding her mother she was my ggrandmother on my maternal side, also McClenton's of Mississippi i didnt know much about my father Loyd born in 1924 and died in 1982 in Shelby, Tenn. i am so stumped at his side his parents died at an early age and he was raised by his eldest brother Otis, Otis was also his fathers name i have no information for him his mother also a Sally Worman or Woman was his mom also from Miss. anyone with these surnames please contact me to see if we have anything to go on together thank all for reading. hApppy Hunting!!!



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