Genealogy Wise

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My GGG Grandfather William S. Miller - born between 1812-1813 in Pennsylvania  . He had two wives .

one unknown with two children - William and Peter .Wife that I know about was Hulda Ann Wells ,daughter of Obadiah Wells and Johanna Downs.

William Miller and Hulda had six children:

Jonathan F. Miller born  September 11,1832

Samuel William Miller born  June 1,1834

Joseph Edward Miller born July 18,1835

Sarah Miller born  1835 - 1845

Hiram W. Miller born January 28,1838

James Polk Miller born December 18,1846

All these children were born in Rummerfied,Terry Twp.,Bradford County,PA

Hulda died during the birth of James.

I am trying to find the parent of William S. Miller [ nickname was Saul ]

Cannot find anything on the family while living in Bradford Co.,PA

Later in Sullivan Co.,PA  -- William was a farmer

I have all Civil War papers

There was a story told at our reunion,that William's grandmother was 102 death

and his grandfather died at age 87

I would love to hear from anyone working on this family.

Some of the surnames are O'Connor,Clark,Winder,Axker,Morris,Wells, Brebholtz,Laurenson.,Johnson

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I have Samuel William Miller in my tree! I think I even may have a photo of him!  I think his father was William S Miller. I have William S Miller in Asylum in 1840 with 5 young boys. I think he was married a second time to an Esther A...I have a William and Esther Miller in 1870 in Tuscarora, Bradford County. But still working on this line-as it so confusing with so many Millers in the area.

How do you descend from William S Miller? Looks like we are cousins! So interested in your civil war papers!

Suzanne Randall Kline

Could be. Esther could be first name of William second wife Jane Black. William's  first wife  Huldah died in childbirth  in 1846 when James P. Miller was born.

William was my GGGGrandfather.

I was wondering if you have sources for William S Miller's marriage with Jane Black, the one that you have 2 sons from?  I was trying to find him in the census records.  Sue

Suzanne did you see death cert. and photo of Ida Alice Miller and 2nd. husband Milton Laurenson that I added.

Yes, I just looked at the site and saw them. Thank-you. I am scanning some items and sending them now.

This first one is a photo of Sarah Emeretta Miller m. George A Parson. I believe she is Ida Alice Miller's older sister by  about 10 years. The back of the photo says they were married  on Jan 1 , 1879.



this next one is labeled Sam Miller   Will Kilgus. On the back in light pencil is Warren. Labeled Geo. W. Neff  Photographer Hughesville, PA on front.


So I think I have decided that the photo is of Samuel Miller Kilgus b 1874 and his father Will R Kilgus b 1854.  Taken in Hughesville. PA by photographer Geo W Neff  before 1910. The Warren in pencil on the back would have benn the brother to Samuel Miller Kilgus, and son of Will Kilgus.

Have you tried Have any Averys?


Jim, Did you check out  Family

There are many - Avery , Peters , Ayers  and West




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