Genealogy Wise

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Re Burial of my ggggrandfather Rev John Charles Clendinnen


Im Trying to Find where my ggggrandfather Rev John Charles Clendinnen a Wesleyan Minister is Buried Presumably Bideford Co Devon   He was Born circa 1770 In Downpatrick Co Down and Retired to Bideford Devon Where he Died in 1855   Have been unable to Find Where he is Buried   We think he Moved to Devon as Thats where we think his First Wives Family were From my ggggrandmother Mary Ann Nee Ellis   Family were from around monkleigh in co Devon  

Thanks for any Help


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Hi Cathy
I wish you luck in your search. Without really knowing what you have tried, what I can say is that you should always work with what you know and then work from there. Have you looked at census records? Census records are not filled with primary information however the secondary information sometimes provided will offer clues. Have you already looked at church records in that area to see what they have on record for a death certificate? Have you mapped out all of the churches with cemeteries in the area that you believe he had lived? Just some things to think about. All the best.




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