Genealogy Wise

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I've posted this on several other sites but so far no help.

Looking for someone to take pictures of the tombstones at Stevens Cemeterty (Clifty Acres) in Carter Co., Ky. Ancestors are buried there but due to health reasons cannot travel to KY to take them ourselves. Will be glad to furnish the names.

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Are you familiar with You can request photos of tombstones there.
I have tried several times only to get promises but no results.
You might try and see if anyone in the area would be willing to help you
I have tried that with many promises but no delivery so far. Thank you for suggesting it.
Hi Betty Jo..If no one else can take the pictures you want, I am going home in a few months and I will most certainly try to do this, as Stephens are some of my people, also. Malinda(Stephens) Boggs/John Boggs...they are my ggg grandparents.  Brenda



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