Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

How about this to help out the programmers. There are many more options using the Ning platform, and the WVR programmers will never know which we prefer unless we ask.

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The technology side is what could create a problem here. Text doesn't take up that much space on bandwidth, but... Think about 100s or 1000s of email messages going out everyday where the full text of the post is included in the email. This quickly adds up to a ton of disk space issues on the outgoing mail server, plus a ton of bandwidth usage for all those emails going out.

I'm not saying its impossible; but its likely to cost more money. The more money things cost, the harder it is to keep things free. - - Just my two cents from an IT perspective.

DearMYRTLE said:
I wish the full text of a posting would come out in those email notifications from GenealogyWise, as they do in Facebook. This gives you an idea if you must respond immediately, or it you just want to get through the rest of your email before opening up your web browser. -- The email notices we're getting now are of little or no value to me. (Yes, I've learned to have Outlook auto-place them in a specific folder so my mail inbox isn't so cluttered.)

In other words, GenealogyWise, this isn't about page hits, this is about social networking.

If you happen to get a lot of page hits, then so much the better.

Remember that another large genealogy website has been attempting for years to overcome the reputation about being too focused on the numbers.

If you build it -- they will come.

Build it right.

I'd like to see threaded or cascading replies enabled in the forums. It really makes for much easier reading. This is an existing thing within Ning, so it just needs to be enabled.
I posted this very thing on my fb page this morning and maybe somewhere on this site too. I agree 100%.

DearMYRTLE said:
I wish the full text of a posting would come out in those email notifications from GenealogyWise, as they do in Facebook. This gives you an idea if you must respond immediately, or it you just want to get through the rest of your email before opening up your web browser. -- The email notices we're getting now are of little or no value to me. (Yes, I've learned to have Outlook auto-place them in a specific folder so my mail inbox isn't so cluttered.)

In other words, GenealogyWise, this isn't about page hits, this is about social networking.

If you happen to get a lot of page hits, then so much the better.

Remember that another large genealogy website has been attempting for years to overcome the reputation about being too focused on the numbers.

If you build it -- they will come.

Build it right.

Using a service like FeedMingle allows you to combine multiple RSS feeds and get a single RSS feed address. You could use this to get as many blogs as you want, all dropped into a single feed box here.

Caroline Pointer said:
I have a few remarks and/or requests. I do have several other Ning platform social networks that I am a member of and/or have created. With that being said, I think a few of the problems that have been brought up could be solved with just some additions to the layout of more "RSS" boxes [or features as Ning calls them], "Text" boxes/features, and "Note" boxes/features.

I believe [unless I'm incorrect] that the original layout by GenealogyWise offered one "RSS" feature and one "Text" feature. If additional "RSS" features were added this would allow the users to broadcast more than one blog [which many of us have]. The benefit of this for the users would be longer view times by the visitors. Thus, longer visitor time for GenWise.

"Text" boxes/features and "Note" boxes/features allow links, videos, photos, html, etc. to be added along with the text or note. Adding these would allow the users to have many links [as well as videos, photos, html, etc.] in many different places in their layout. This would give the users more functionality to their page, and is easy to add to the layout by GenWise.

Please let us add more than one website link in our profiles.

Thank you.
Doris Wheeler
On our "My Page" we have field to fill in for the surnames we are interested in; but then (as far as I can tell) there is no way to search that field so that we can easily find others who are interested in the same surname.
My sentiments EXACTLY. I have found if I go to one posting and 'pay attention' to the rest I can delete the emails re: that group as I will have read them when going to post 1. IF that makes sense but many times / most times; you don't have a connection for each and every post. It could be like facebook and give the message in the email so you know if you want to go to the 'board' at GW. I would also like to see _good_ instructions. How to start a group; is a discussion actually different then a group ? cannot think of more at the moment but I am sure there is! ;)

DearMYRTLE said:
I wish the full text of a posting would come out in those email notifications from GenealogyWise, as they do in Facebook. This gives you an idea if you must respond immediately, or it you just want to get through the rest of your email before opening up your web browser. -- The email notices we're getting now are of little or no value to me. (Yes, I've learned to have Outlook auto-place them in a specific folder so my mail inbox isn't so cluttered.)

In other words, GenealogyWise, this isn't about page hits, this is about social networking.

If you happen to get a lot of page hits, then so much the better.

Remember that another large genealogy website has been attempting for years to overcome the reputation about being too focused on the numbers.

If you build it -- they will come.

Build it right.

In one group I created a discussion titled: Useful Links for all group members to contribute suggestions. Which would be equivalent to a links section in a Facebook group. A links tab on the main page would be equivalent to a place for everyone on Facebook to add links which could quickly become chaotic I think.

Debbie Kennett said:
The big item that is missing at present is a facility to add links. I find the links facility particularly useful on Facebook for keeping Group members informed of interesting URLs. Is there some way a new links section could be added with perhaps a tab on the main page too? It seems odd that we can add links to videos but not to everyday websites!
You can search the whole network for a surname, and appearances in that field will be caught. However, this doesn't work well for surnames that would also appear elsewhere (such as DENVER or MAIN). So it would be helpful to be able to search on the surname fields alone.

Johnny said:
On our "My Page" we have field to fill in for the surnames we are interested in; but then (as far as I can tell) there is no way to search that field so that we can easily find others who are interested in the same surname.
Yes, you can add as many links as you want in the Text Box of your profile - you can also use this text box as a place to write an 'about me' section.

Kirsty F Wilkinson said:
I'd like to be able to add a link to more than one of my websites on My Page. Is there a way to do this that I am missing?
A really easy way for the user to switch between "Most Recent Comment First" and "Oldest Comment First" in discussion threads. Otherwise, individuals are likely to respond to comments that have already been responded to. (like I did a few minutes ago)

As someone else suggested - threaded comments would also fix this.
I have read and reread this comment several times -- it feels like the solution is missing or am I missing something. How do you switch between "most recent" and "oldest comment".

thanks, Sandra



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