Genealogy Wise

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Thomas married Agnes Dinwoodie Daughter of James Dinwoodie and Elspeth Charters b 16 Apr 1803 Johnstone, Dumfriesshire

Thomas French Son of Simeon French and Ann Corrie b 1 Jun 1808 Wamphray, Dumfriesshire

According to the information in which i have put together i believe Simeon to be the father of Thomas.  ( fingers crossed )

 I would like to confirm this information and if correct, trace these roots back as far as possible, as far as Thomas is concerned.

These are the 4 children that Thomas and Agnes had together in Scotland before immigrating to Canada.

James 30 Dec 1825 Johnstone

Janet 10 Feb 1828 Lochmaben

Elizabeth 28 Mar 1830 Lochmaben

Jean 2 Dec 1832 Lochmaben.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you for viewing my post.

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Canadian census records did not start until 1851. Some provinces also started B/M/D records about the same time or slightly after 1851.I did see on family with possibilities in the 1851 census, Canada West, Leeds:

French - Aynes 48, James 27, Elizabeth 22, Jane 18, David 15, Thomas 14, Agnes 10, John D. 5. The first 5 all born in Scotland.

French is not an uncommon surname so it will likely take you a lot of searching.

Thank you for the research.  I think that  i may  have a copy of that 51 census with that info on it, but unfornately i have not found any record of Thomas, yet.  I will keep searching.  Do you have any other options in which i could use in my search?  Thanks again for your help.

As you have found there is a limitation in accessing information preiour to 1851. Posting messages on various boards and checking is worth a try. After that you need to narrow in on a specific county or area and check for resources. These are usually in the form of books or more recently data CDs. has a large selection of resources you can buy for researching Canada



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