Genealogy Wise

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Hello All list, I have just gone thru the Surnames But there are no  Wilner /Wilnor etc ,I would like someone to try and help me out Please,I have Got Birth & Death details But I can't find any details on her Marriage ,On my G/Father Marriage certificate it states Father & Mother Christian &Surnames,which are John Lang & Anna Wilner ,Marriage took place in Geraldton Western Australia in 1899 ,i do not know if they were there for the Wedding or not as it has J.M Ba**kroilh &Cecilia witness to the Marriage ,any help would be nice Bertjl.

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Australian records are just starting to increase in content. are adding new records all the time. They are similar to UK records in that you can find a registry but then to get details you need to order the actual record $.

You might want to look at which is free and search those records. Lots of Langs listed, no Wilner.



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