Genealogy Wise

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Tell about your favorite free or low-cost genealogy resources, online and off. Explain why it's a favorite and how it's been helpful in your research.

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Not free, but low-cost. Mid-Continent Public Library in Independence, Missouri offers an out-of-district library card for $20 (annual fee) to access many genealogy databases from your home computer. It's a great resource for the cost as single subscriptions would be well over $100. Check it out at
A great place to visit, usually on most "top ten" lists for genealogy research.
Their new building is quite deserving of the large resource collection.
We spent 4 days there, at the end of June, and could have spent more (but I didn't want to
spend our whole vacation on it). If you are close by (we live about 3 1/2 hours away) it is
definitely worth your time and effort. They have digitizing equipment, so you can scan into
a jump drive, etc, They have copying machines, microform, etc.
I too like to use Find A Grave, and challenge anyone I correspond with to work on a cemetery in their area. I have actually been able to visit some interesting lost cemeteries in the middle of woods with no true access. Take goodness the people I went with knew how to get there and have permission to enter.
I too, love because many headstones are pictured giving dates and sometimes even family relationships. Best of all, it's free.
I have to agree that is one of the best (and it's free!) websites for genealogical research. I can't tell you the number of gravesites I have been able to have photographed due to the generosity of the other members of the site. It's just a wonderful resource.
My favorite free sites for Tennessee Death Certificate Indexes are:


Melissa Barker
Professional Genealogist for Tennessee and Kentucky
My Website:
Thanks for the tip regarding Tennessee vital records. I only have three people who died in Tennessee during the relevant time frame, but I already found a month and date for one, and further confirmation on another.
Thanks Melissa!! Also I see you are an expert for Tenneesse You may be get an inquirie by the end of the month from me to hire your expertise I just need to get my facts together first!!!!
I really love It's great to be able to connect with volunteers who are willing to help you out for free.
My absolute favorites and necessary for anyone researching 19th and 20th century upstate New York ancestors:

Northern New York Historical Newspapers ( - free digitized newspapers for Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis, Oswego and St. Lawrence Counties

Old Fulton Postcards ( - free digitized newspapers for Mohawk Valley and Finger Lakes newspapers and more!
Thank you for this. I was just looking for my ancestors in Oswego Co. last night. Now I have a new resource.
Yeah.. I love the Fulton site. I've found tons of stuff on there. Just not exactly what I'd been looking for in the first place. *lol*



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