Genealogy Wise

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Hi; I am new to this forum, and hope to at least find some interesting leads on what to do next.

I am currently researching the areas of Znorovy (Vnorovy), Liderovice, and Zarazice in Southern Moravia.

The surnames I am directly researching include: STUDENKA, JANICEK, KONECNY, MALAR, GAZAREK, CHUDIK. I have found some success with the website, but find deciphering the handwriting very difficult at times.

I have also posted some photos of (mostly) unknown individuals on my page; I hope to find someone who can identify at least one of these people, since they were obviously important to at least one of my family members at one time.

I look forward to ensuing discussions!

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Hello, Catherine: I read your posting with great interest. Most of my research is in Vnorovy and Liderovice. Some of the families in my tree (distant) are Studenka, Konecny and Gazarek. ( I must have screwed up my first reply to you). I don't know where it went. Which pages and which entries in Actapublica were giving you trouble? I can take a look at them and try to decipher the writing. Looking forward to conversing with you.

Hi Tom; we have conversed regarding the STUDENKA line before via e-mail; good to hear from you again!

Regarding the Actapublica records, I am really having issues with deciphering the records before 1860 in general.  I find the handwriting to be smaller, less-legible (in general), and sometimes in what appears to be an "old" German.  It is really the legibility issue that frustrates me, because I think I have located the baptismal record for my great, great-grandfather, Filip STUDENKA, in the Liderovice records, but I can't read most of it!  If you care to take a look for me sometime when you have a chance, the record at which I am looking is found in the Baptismal Records of Liderovice, Moravia (1785-1853), p.136 (image#69--last record on 1st page).  I would really appreciate a 2nd set of eyes on this one.

Thanks, and, again, it is good to hear from you; I continue to post all I find on the STUDENKA family on the Rootsweb site, and hope to have more records translated soon.


(P.S.: any of the photos on my page look familiar?  I think some may be STUDENKAs, but not sure which.)

My great uncle Florian Ricica married Anna Janicek and came to USA about 1907.  They were from Vnorovy.  My father was born there in 1905 and came over with his aunt Apolena Tomekova, Franz and Karl Ricica.  My father was Jan Ricica and their family later changed their name from Ricica to Rice.  We live in the SE cormer of Michigan.

Florain and Anna  lived in Hicksville/Defiance Ohio and their [all] daughters and family still live in that area.

Mr grandparents Jan and Maria Tomekova Ricica  came in 1905 and 1907?  My dad also named Jan and later John Rice was 5 yrs old when he left Vnorovy.  I just spent 2weeks in June 2014 in the Cz. and was able to visit Znorovy, St Elizabeths church and got a copy of my grandparents marriage certificate [1900].

Dobry den! I am happy to hear from you, and I have to say, more than a little jealous that you have visited Vnorovy--how exciting! Is the Anna JANICEK you refer to the daughter of Bartolomej JANICEK? If so, I know her mother's mother was also a RICICA. I have several RICICA families in my database, but not Florian, so I would be interested to know more about his parents. I have not found a connection between the two JANICEK families, but I am still interested in learning what I can about the families in the area with the same surname...sometimes I find later that there is a connection, sometimes not, so I keep information just in case. Feel free to reply to me directly by linking to my name above.


I know I'm late to the game, but I've begun researching my great grandparents' side in Vnorovy, Moravia. Some of your names are also mine.... My great grandfather's mother's name was Janicek-- Maria Janicek.  She married my 2nd great grandfather, Frantisek Sukup. On my great grandmother's side, her father was Antonin Kuryvial, who married a Barbara Pafka. We also have Studenkas in our family tree, marrying into the Kuryvial line. Any information people on this site might have would be wonderful. I know that I also have Motycka and Konecny marrying into the Studenka lineage. I just don't know how we all connect because I have so little information on siblings of my great grandparents and their parents.

Hi Deborah!  So glad to hear from you!  I do have quite a lot of information since I first posted; my database happens to include Antonin Kuryvial and Barbora Pavka (also seen Pafka).  I would very much like to compare notes to see if we have any other connections.  The easiest way might be if you would like to contact me via email:allaboutgenealogy(at)yahoo(dot)com.  Also, if you have a chance, please view my photos on this site: I have quite a few that are unidentified and would love to know who they are.  Hope to hear from you soon!  :)

Here's my email: I'm also on GEDmatch and I have photos and lots of info on our Vnorovy line on The tree is public under Luelsdorff Family Tree. I'll check out your photos here to see if I recognize any. We're from Chicago and our Vnorovy relatives (we've got lots!) all came through Ohio and ended up either there or Chicago or Canada.

By the way, Margaret, after all this time I HAVE found a link in our JANICEK families, so we are, indeed, related! The years have been kind to me regarding my research.  :)

Just wanted to say hi!

Also researching Vnorovy and surrounding areas :-) 

Karen Grohol 

Hi Karen!  I think most of us are on the FB group now, thanks to you!  I still like posting photos here, though....  :)



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