Have been searching for births dating back to before it was required to register births. How do you find them when their is no bible or church records? Especially when your trying to prove for the DAR. Dianne
By the way thanks honey. If you find the time to check for me at the archives would appreciate it. I hate to run you on a wild goose chase though. Dianne
Thanks I'm relly getting disgusted. just about ready to forget the whole thing. I'm going to try in Harrison for a will for Asaph. He did die in Marion and it should be there, but if he had one it was probably made while Marion was still part of Harrison, maybe they registered it there when he died. I can't figure out what happened to the property he got as a land grant from the government for serving in therevolution, because he was living with his daughter. she just lived across the creek from him. Don't know how to research that. Dianne