Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

When I first started using it looked to me like a free for all. I've Been a member for off and on two years. Unfortunately I didn't understand the methodology of a genealogist and started adding people from unsourced trees. My main public Ezell tree is a mess so I started a few private trees to try and get the first five generations completely sourced and with family history included. What should I do with the public tree?

Another question is there a way to sync family tree maker and I find myself having to add the same info in two different spots all the time

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Are you talking about Version 9 ( very old) or Version 2009? You are able to enter / assign Reference IDs as a FACT for each individual. There isn't an automatic feature in 2009.

May I ask, wheat you want to use the Reference ID fore? Maybe there is a different solution.

Thank you,

Save it to disk and delete it until you get all your ducks in a row. It would be nice if had a way of merging trees together.
I agree. At this point I made the tree private is that going to be enough? Or go all the way and Gedcom and delete?
The Family Tree Maker Fan Group, here on Genealogy Wise has an RSS feed and a Blog that is currently addressing this issue. Please join us here:

The answer to your 2nd question is discussed there.

Thank you,




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