I would like some help in solving an issue with how to enter some names in my Ancestry.com file. Presently, I am working on my son-in-law's gnealogy tree and ran across this rather unique situation. The surnames appear as "dit" in French Candian records. I had to look that up to find out what it even meant. Dit means "known as" so I have some people with their first, middle, and last names included along with "dit" for whom they were known as. I guess they changed their names for some reason.
An example of this is seen in a man named Pierre Levesque who had several children each of whom changed or used a different last name. One is referred to as "Jacuqes Levesque dit LaFrance. My problem is where to enter the information. As Levesque is the original surname but not used as a middle name would I use it or LaFrance as an alternate name and not refer to this "dit" at all or enter Levesque into the first, middle name field and LaFrance into the surname field? I want to do it correctly and have it downloaded properly into a GEDCOM file to use in FTM2010 and Legacy. Does anyone have any suggestion on who to approach this dilemma?