Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Many of the 1st, 2nd , 3rd, generations of our Jahajees have relocated to AU, EU, UK, US, Canada and other foreign countries, these new-gen foreign born Nationals will eventually lost touch with the Ancestral roots of their forefathers, not knowing that the original “root” came from India.
The older generations were not aware of the great importance of these records; to questions their grandparents, record and preserve documents pertaining to their Emigration & Repatriation.
In order to facilitate this long denied task, the Guyanese communities abroad need to become aware of the horrendous conditions these records are kept in, the misplaced, mismanaged and non systematic research processes, and the difficulties to manually locate Emigrants information.

It is imperative that the Guyana Government, President B. Jagdeo, Members of the Cabinet, in collaboration with the Archivists, GPO Staff, IAC members, and other Organizations be supportive to work towards achieving this goal. The Government of Guyana is probably unaware that the Guyanese abroad would like to have these Indentureships records digitize unless we publicize it. Hence, we need to write and inform ‘the powers that be’ how important these documents are to us; to trace our Ancestral Roots back to its original source.

Several countries have started this Digitizing Records process inclusive of Surinam and Trinidad.
In the past, many researched these records but only a fraction was successful and this was only partial research for studies or to complete their own personal family genealogical records. These records must be ‘Preserved for Posterity’. This is our History. Our forbears struggle to create a Guyana that lived, breathed and survived from the sweat and blood of the Indentured Jahajees.

Active participation is absolutely necessary to inform the Government of the critical situation these records are being kept in and to stop the deterioration of these precious documents. It is feared that the lack of preservation, and climatic conditions have already taken their toll and damaged the once well kept Ledgers and Registers that the Colonial Masters spent time, effort, energy and cash to document for our Records. We the descendants need to spend our energy and time, cash if needed to preserve this Legacy bequeathed to us by our Indentured forefathers.

As we approached this memorable day, may the descendants abroad; around the globe reflect on their Indentureship, hardship and struggle to survive in these foreign lands under such intolerable
and challenging conditions for our benefit. Today, let us all put our hands together and whisper a special prayer with Love, Reverence, and Gratitude for their Acts of Bravery without Medals. Courtesy: ICW

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