Genealogy Wise

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From The Peripatetic Graveyard Rabbit:

Catholic cemeteries in any given location generally are owned or controlled by the diocese or archdiocese for that area. The good news is that all of the major dioceses and some not-so-major ones have web pages devoted to their Catholic cemeteries.

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I live within walking distance of Mount Olivet Cemetery in Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey. Mount Olivet is the cemetery for St. James Catholic Church in Red Bank, Monmouth, New Jersey, part of the Diocese of Trenton. To the best of my knowledge, Trenton's cemetery records are not online.

I haven't done any research in the records for the cemetery, since I already know where all of the family that I have buried there is located. However, I'd be happy to do what I can to be of help to out-of-towners who are looking for family graves.
I have seen Catholic cemetery records on However, I don't see all possible burials listed in each cemetery as in some others.



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