Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Does any one have an idea what the letters A O R C might stand for on this stone. The letters are around the edge of the circle and also at the 4 sides of a crude Maltese cross in the center of the circle. At the bottom of the outer circle is also the words Spokane Lodge. There are maple leaves on either side - maybe a clue to the affliation?

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I posted the question out on twitter to see if it gets a response. I did a google search which did not bring me any good results. If I find an answer, i will let you know.
Any luck figuring this out.  The cross is also known as an Iron Cross.  Is the person German?

The only name I have is "Emma wife of..."

Last summer I was part of a genalogy group (in Spokane) that invited the public to tour a cemetery and hear stories about people who were buried there. I made a poster of symbols and a "scavenger hunt" handout. About a month before the event I went and took pictures of many of the symbols that I knew would be on the tour. I didn't use this one because I didn't know what it was. Because I live about 70 miles from the cemetery, I haven't made it back to get the rest of the information on the marker.  For my pictures, I concentrated on the symbols, not the information on the stone. :-(

When I get her full name, then I can check census for ethnic background and also try for an obit, which may tell about her affiliation with this lodge.


What is the date on the grave stone?  Also, I ran across this info AMORC.
See my comment to your question above.



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