Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hillary Thomas Collinsworth, is the last of the sons from William Thomas Jones Collinsworth,(my Great Grandfather. I can't remember his from Abilene, TX. He also is my Grandfather's, Jessie Davis Collinsworth, oldest brother.
I found out that from his son, (my cousin Marshal), on Thanksgiving Day he spiked a temperature of 102 degrees. He was taken to the doctors and from there he was taken to a nursing home in Abilene. He has been their ever since. I called him and talked to him. With the exception of Marshal and myself, nobody else has made an attempt to either see or even call him. I personally can't remember the name of the nursing home. However, I will give you Marshal's home number and from their he would be glad to give you the nursing home number. Marshal's number is 1-325-673-2274.
This is a man that could probably give insight to other peoples parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, please don't let this treasure go without letting him know that the family still cares for his generation and all they have gone through for us.

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