Genealogy Wise

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John, father of Jesse, Robert and Thomas Cross, was supposedly born in 1767 in NC and died in 1823 in GA. I say supposedly because I have nothing to show this as fact except others research and they did not cite their source.

There has been some speculation, often reprinted as fact, again without citation, that John married a Indian woman named  "Manoish".

There were many white men who married Indians and it is hard to research those lines since our Native American ancestors did not keep written records like "we" records, wills, etc.

There has been found, many years ago, a Will dated March 18, 1823 (Jasper Co., GA) for a John Cross, who did not list his children as they were minors. We know that because he states "...such time as my oldest son arrives to twenty one years of age then...".

So my John Cross had 3 sons, Thomas b. 1789, Jesse (my line) b. 1798 and Robert b.1804. By 1823, Thomas, the oldest son, is 34 so he can't possibly be this John Cross' family. 

In the Will, John names his wife, MANICHA. It is possible that "Manoish" is a corrupted version of her name.

Even if it were the same woman, there is no proof she is Indian and there is certainly no proof contained within the Will that this is our John Cross, father of Jesse Cross, whose oldest brother was 34 by 1823.


Minute Book Vol 1 A-C Film 158454 LDS
John Cross page 33: Ordinary Office, Jasper Co. Georgia March 18, 1823
In the name of God amen. I John Cross being  of a sound mind and memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, doth make and ordain this my last will and testament. 1st I  give my body to her mother dust and my soul to God who gave it and that my body  be buried in a Christian like manner, by those to whom I may appeal to this  my last will and testament, and what wordly goods it hath pleased God to bestow  on me after my just debts are paid, I give and bequeath as follows- Item, I lend unto my beloved wife Manicha Cross the whole of my estate during her  widowhood or such time as my oldest son arrives to twenty one years of age then said son to receive of my beloved wife or who may repersent her an equal share and so on till the youngest arrives of age or marries. I also wish my beloved  wife to make sale of the land I drew and purchase another piece that is improved that she may be enabled to raise my children. Should my beloved wife make choice to marry, I give and bequeath unto her an equal part with my children. Lastly I nominate and appoint my beloved wife Manicha Cross, my executrix to this my last will and testament, revoking all others here to for made.
Given under my hand and seal this day and state above written Test Lawson S. Holland John Cross seal Test Willis Britt Elizabeth ?


If you are one that has included this Manoish in your family tree, I strongly hope you will do deeper research.

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