Genealogy Wise

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I'm trying to order film from LDS but I don't know what these terms mean.

(pokrač.) Krsty
Uzavreté manželstvá
(pokrač.) Úmrtia

The language is supposed to be Hungarian but I can't get these to come up in a Hungarian online dictionary.

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Translation: Czech » English
(pokrač.) Krsty
Uzavreté manželstvá
(pokrač.) Úmrtia

(cont.) krst
(cont.) death

Translation: Slovak (automatically detected) » English

(pokrač.) Krsty
Uzavreté manželstvá
(pokrač.) Úmrtia

(pokrač.) Baptism
(pokrač.) Deaths

I used google translate.

Hope this helps

Hi Jude: I am not really an expert on all these language terms. It is true that Hungarian was used in many church records in Slovakia, but these words look to me like they are Slovak. You might try Google translate. Krsty is baptisms, umrtia is deaths, (pokrac) seems to be a short form for continued, and the middle is dealing with marriages??




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