For some reason I was not able to post a reply Arelene to your discussion regarding the possible attendance of François Daragon at the marriage between Michel Dubuc and Charlotte Bougret. You wrote:
Information found on the Internet revealed that FRANCOIS DARAGON (1664-1734) had an uncle named MICHEL DUBUC (1644-1722), a mason from Longueuil, New France. Michel married MARIE BAUDOIN (1645-1716). They had a son MICHEL DUBUC (1683-1777) who married CHARLOTTE BOUGRET on 10-Aug-1710. According to the Internet, FRANCOIS DARAGON attended the marriage of MICHEL,2nd and CHARLOTTE at Boucherville. FRANCOIS was identified as a "first cousin" to MICHEL 2nd.
Can anyone verify this information?
Here is the record of that marriage as found at the PRDH. It does not show François in attendance.