Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have been having an exchange of details regarding the Dare and Huxtable families with Lorna Vincent, as this was “hidden” away on the Feniton Group, Lorna has agreed to my adding them here:

I descend from the Beedle of Tiverton area who married into the Huxtables from South Molton--please get in touch to see if we share any common research.
My Dare family I have the names of siblings & parents of my GGGG-grandfather William Dare from Offwell-(miller by trade) they were all from Exeter---I'm trying to trace his siblings--found his fathers brother Gideon who'd moved to London & his descendants moved up to Lake District etc.John was baptised 1778 Exeter-one of 8 children to James Dare & Mary Edwards(she was from Credition--not sure re James but I think it was from East Devon area)
So anything I can find re Dare family in this area is useful to me at moment--so as I can join the jigsaw together:)
Lorna Vincent

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Poking around in the IGI, Branscombe throws up a James Dare 1732 son of Samuel and Mary.
Best wishes, Chris.
I will be looking into Branscombe as Hole Mill there was owned by William Dare--also want to look at Ottery St Mary parish records as I believe there was a Gideon Dare & Mary there--who would have been James Dares parents-I have a list of names given to me but need to find them all in records before I'm 100% about their accuracy.
Lorna Vincent



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