Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Thiem, M.,

Ritman, Mrs M.,

Ritman, H.,

Drijsdale, Ch.,

Broos, Ms. I.,


Hogenstijn-Vrijburg Mrs. HM

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of  ir GS Vrijburg

on dairy farm Pasar Minggoe Batavia

Thiem, M., Ritman, mevrouw M., Ritman, H., Drijsdale, Ch., Broos, mevrouw I.1956-01-26 Hogestijn-Vrijburg, Mevrouw H.M. Viering van de 50e verjaardag van ir G.S. Vrijburg op melkveeboerderij Pasar Minggoe te Batavia


attached : Dr Burger,Tine Drijsdale, Jopie Nooy, Jetje Burger, Young van Donselaar en Lien Sie Khwan Dijoe Batavia

attached : Ritman, H., Jong, mevrouw L. de, Herwig, G.J., Drijsdale, Charles

attached : dr burger , tine drijsdale  Viering van de 50e verjaardag van ir G.S. Vrijburg op melkveeboerderij Pasar Minggoe te Batavia

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Pasar Minggu is a district of South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. The area is known for its traditional Sunday market, famous for the fruit market. Historically, Pasar Minggu is a fruit cultivation area developed by the Dutch government during the colonial period. The central point of the cultivation area is the traditional market of Pasar Minggu, located in what is now Pasar Minggu Kelurahan.

Source: Wikipedia                                                                                                                                     

Spelling of location in the posts title -

Pasar Minggoe came  with the photo  from the source of the photos.  

Pasar Minggu was listed in wikipedia 

 In an effort to sort this out who is who  I located  a photo of GS Vrijburg , not the best , looking at it it seems to have been cut from the corner of a larger photograph.




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