Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Rather than say illegitimate child, I prefer to call myself a "love child". My Step father never formally adopted me, but for the sake of my family tree, I want to say I was adopted. I have never been able to figure how to put myself as adopted in any version of FTM, including version 2010.

Any ideas or tips would be appreciated, as I want my family info accurate.
Thank You!

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You can do that on the Relationship page, and selecting the line with the relationship to this person and change if from natural (the defauls) to Step.

My personal opinion is to include yourself as a child of your adoptive family. I know the Mormon Church does not see to agree with this but from a personal view point - I have included a step-mother - a woman who raised my grandmother and her siblings but has no actual blood ties. Nevertheless, this is the only grandmother my father ever knew and therefore - she's in my family tree.
Thanks, Russ, it took me awhile to see what you meant, but I got it now!

You are most welcome.

I haven't actually spent alot of time checking out the new FTM. I'm planning to upgrade to Windows 7
at the end of the month, hopefully, there won't be any compatability issues with FTM 2009.
Thanks for your help!


You shouldn't have any problems with Windows 7. I know of a couple of Windows 7 beta testers and also use Family Tree Maker. There hasn't been any problems. The Webinar the other night for Family Tree Maker mentioned testing with Windows 7 has been done.

I am waiting for 10/22 as well.

Thank you and good luck,




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