Genealogy Wise

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Hi, Hope someone can help.

Since renewing/upgrading my subscription last week I have not been able to link through FTM2010 to the Ancestry Server.

The error message is: Authentication with the server failed.

I can use the address line in WebSearch and activate or by typing in the address and then I can search the databases (in the same way as I can through Internet Explorer outside of FTM software) but the link through the software program doesnt work so I cannot import any data.

I tried Help: Register Ancestry FTM and Help: Activate Subscription but the same error message comes up.

I looked on the help/advice pages and found earlier posts relating to this error. Have tried checking time-date synchronisation and that hasnt helped. Have tried switching off Firewall and that hasnt helped.

Does anyone have any ideas what I might have done to cause this - or is the problem at Ancestry??

Thanks as ever,

Pauline McNeil

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Please verify the Date/Time and Time Zone on your PC.

If you mean is the clock showing the correct time and date. Yes - done that.
If you mean am I in my own time zone (Greenwich Meant Time) Yes - done that.
If you mean have I synchronised with the Windows time - Yes done that.

What am I missing??

Just to verify, as the error message you reported, is that the areas I suggest you check, usually shows that one of those settings is not correct. Not being picky, but trying to help, did you double check those settings. Not sure what you mean by "windows time".

Are you in the UK? (just checking).

Thank you,

Hi Russ,
Yes I'm in the UK. Running Windows XP and FTM2010.
Windows times is as listed under Internet Time from Adjust Date/Time. - am I checking in the right place?

That's the right place.

Please go to this website:

And enter 3734 into the Keyword Search and click on Search.

It looks like you have been there, but want to double check. That article has helped many people. One user reported that the AM / PM setting was not correct.

Hi Russ,
So - I'm running 24hr clock not am/pm - time here in sunny (but cold) Glasgow is 17:12. Sun is setting!
I've checked time/date through control panel as well as system tray - they both seem to open the same clock and I cant see anything wrong with it.
I'm on broadband not dial-up so, as I understand it, the accelerator stuff doesnt apply.
Internet Options ....... Proxy server and Automatic check are both 'unchecked' as suggested.
I tried switching off McAfee firewall (Windows Firewall is off) - it made no difference.
I've even tried looking at the Winsock list (said to be relevant in terms of Internet Connection problems) and as far as I can see it looks OK? Maybe it should have something else in it for Ancestry??
Any advice gratefully appreciated.
PS time now 17:20 !!

Thank you for the update.

So, basically you can not use any of the Online Features of Family Tree Maker. Is that correct?

Is this a New problem? It sounds like it? If it's new, what, if anything, happened on your PC between Now and the last time you were able to use the Internet from within Family Tree Maker?

When you open Family Tree Maker, on the Plan Workspace, what is in the Web DashBoard in the RH Panel of that screen?

Hi Russ,
Yes you're right - I cant use any of the online features of FTM although I can use the internet (to talk to you) and to search Ancestry's databases so the problem isnt my access to Ancestry. The Web Dashboard is empty (it usually has notices including my subscription status) - it stays empty and after a while the error message appears in a separate window.
I've been trying to think what has happened with the computer but its difficult to know what was before or after (are you familiar with senior moments??!!).
Anyway I checked - I renewed/upgraded my Ancestry subscription (15 Feb) just before it happened.
Also recently had a trojan removed by McAfee during a routine scan - said to be low risk. (Lando!rootkit removed 17 Feb and I see now removed again 19 Feb)
Think I deleted internet temp files / browsing history during the same period too (but not cookies).
Will go and have another look at the Trojan info.
Let me know if you can think of anything else

If the Web Dashboard is Empty, might it be that Family Tree Maker is Off Line? (File menu)


Not in this case. This is usually the Date/Time/TimeZone setting on the computer.

Tried the offline question.
File menu: Go offline - gave a 'not connected to internet message' in the Web Dashboard
File menu: Go online - resulted in the error message appearing again.

Am seriously concerned that the so-called 'low risk' Trojan (lando!rootkit) may be the problem. Have repeated McAfee scan several times and each time it tells me the Trojan has been removed but the problem remains and the Trojan is there on the next scan.

Will let you know if I find a solution.
Thanks again,

Are you seeing McAfee reporting that same Trojan each time you scan? If so, you might want to check their website for a solution.

Also, you might want to verify that McAfee hasn't blocked Family Tree Maker with the Firewall or something in response to that Trojan.




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