Please be a little more specific. There are a number of "indexes" in Family Tree Maker.
There is the People Workspace, Family view that has the Index (F2) in the LH Panel. You can include an Index in a Book that you create.
In the F2 Index, it is the names, but you can have other items included in that Index.
The Index in a Book includes the Names of the people included in the Reports or Charts that are included in the Book. Names that might be in an individuals notes will not be included in this Index.
If this doesn't help, please be a little more specific.
Thank you,
Permalink Reply by A.M. on January 4, 2010 at 11:37am
Thank you, it does answer my question, but it is not the answer I want. I meant the index to a book, and wanted it to include names from notes and narrative as well as charts and reports. You say that it does not, so I am working on alternatives.
Thanks again,
Family Tree Maker has NOT picked up names in Notes for a Book Index. There is not way to Mark notes text to be a Name.
The feature that you want is NOT currently available in Version 2009. I can only suggest that you make your Detailed Requirements known on this website: