Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Why not?  Start with the Surname, please in CAP'S then place, then just transcribe it.  Would be helpful I spent 2 weeks looking for a guy, who's name was spelled a million different ways, it would have been helpful to have it on here. So I'm going to add it.  Good luck every one.

Views: 200

Replies to This Discussion

SMITH, Edgar Reginald, 1912 Beechworth, Victoria, Australia
EDDY, Mary nee Cane 1912 Beechworth, Victoria, Australia
SANDESON, John 1912 Beechworth, Victoria, Australia
FRENCH, Jane nee Warren 1912 Beechworth, Victoria, Australia
MAHOMET, Said - inquest held - 1912 Beechworth, Victoria, Australia
FULLER, Josephine nee Souris 1967 Footscray West, Victoria, Australia



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